<big>HTML clipboard</big> Beautiful Saima

For those of you who already know about F.C.S.P., the following page(s) will just highlight what you already know - Saima Park is a very beautiful place, which offers a lot to people - in any age group, during any season.

All color pictures on this page are courtesy of Jim Daley.

Saima Function Hall

The Function Hall at Saima Park

The Function Hall - the natural gathering point for the people at Saima Park.  With a fully equipped kitchen, large serving area, ample space for tables and seating - and a very nice hardwood dance floor - no wonder that this building sees a lot of use, and in a multitude of functions.

Whether it is a Membership Monthly Meeting, the recurring Saturday Dances, a class being held - or a rented function or party - this building is where it happens!

The Ravintola and Sirkka Liukkonen Memorial Pavilion

Ravintola (summer house)

Sirkka Liukkonen Memorial Pavilion

Ravintola (summer house) and Sirkka Liukkonen Memorial Pavilion

The Summer Pavilion (Ravintola) is used for events during the "warmer seasons" - spring, summer and fall.  With it's generous  kitchen facilities and indoor seating as well as the seating in the Sirkka Liukkonen Memorial Pavilion, you can hold large outdoor functions and parties here.

Finnish Memorial Field

The Frank Luokala Memorial, right next to the small timer / officials pavilion on the 352m track and athletic field

Finnish Memorial Field showing part of the 352m track and athletic field with the small timer / officials pavilion

Frank Luokala, one of the driving forces and a large supporter of all the track and field events at Saima Park

View from the track access bridge looking across the Chess Table and on up to the Function Hall

The Erkki Kuotonen Monument Plaque was installed on the big boulder in the Memorial Field,
just in time for Kesäjuhla 2003

Close-up of the plaque

Monuments at Saima Park

The first monument you encounter when you visit Saima Park, is this dedication to deceased members of Saima.  
It is located immediately inside the fence at the main gate to the park.

Oskari Tokoi

Oskari Tokoi, former prime minister of Finland.
This bronze relief and plaque created by Sirkka Linna Höglund, is placed right near the Function Hall,
surrounded by a group of trees.
To read more about Oskari Tokoi, click here.

Everett Siiskonen and Eric Ahti Monuments

The outdoor chess table is dedicated to Everett Siiskonen.  It is located nearby the Function Hall.

This monument, located at the ski trail entrance, honors Eric Ahti, a wonderfully unpretentious young man
and one of the finest ski racers we have ever known.

All of us in the Finnish Ski Club and Finnish Center cherish our memories of Eric.
The monument is placed  where one of the ski trails starts up into the woods.

Moon Man Hill Monument

The Moon Man Hill Monument celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Finnish Ski Club.

Ski and Nature Trails

The Moon Man Gnome guards the ski trails and keeps skiers and hikers safe from the spirits of the woods......

The ski trails, used extensively during the winter months, allows for nice nature walks during the "green" months.....

Mountain laurel is just one of the plants you can find in our woods.  Lady slippers, Trillium,
high- and low-bush blueberries - the list is long......

The sweet smelling wild roses - a.k.a. "Mock Orange" is plentiful around the park......

The trails used in the winter for cross country skiing, are open in the summer for nice nature walks around the woods - the trails are easy to get to, and very easy to get around.  When you follow these paths, take your time and see and experience the woods - wild flowers, wild blueberries, evidence of wild life: tracks of fox, deer, rabbits, and the multitude of birds inhabiting the woodlands.

The smell of wild roses is sweet in the early summer, wild grapes are sweet and fragrant in the early fall.

Click here to view trail map